Christ - Citizens

About Us.

About The Organization.

we are group of kingdom influencers preaching the gospel of the kingdom with purpose driven to all nations.

God designed everyone to function as solution even before our formation in the womb. As kingdom influencers, we reach out to people to allow God to use their God-given purposes for a ministry in service.

This platform gives everyone that is born of God the platform to express his or her purpose by fulling. It provides necessary resources to grow the capacity (Kingdom value) necessary to create influence in any spheres of life.


The Lord Jesus revealed Himself to one of the founding members the urgent need for the gospel of the kingdom be preached with authority in other to influence all the spheres of life before His return.

The Ancient of days and The God of everlasting covenant desires the following for all His people:

1. Desire for everyone to see God and know Him.
2. Desire to be everyone to Baptized with Holy Spirit and His Power.
3. Desire for everyone to be Baptized into Christ (God in the flesh).
4. Desire for everyone to discover purpose, fulfill destiny with significant doors of exploits and Influence on nations.


Our Mission is to raise millions of people walking in the fullness of Christ and kingdom values to change nations.

Our Five-fold Mission:
- To help people know God through Christ’s total redemption.
- To help people know God’s plans and purposes for their life through direct walk with Holy Spirit.
- To help people know specific sphere of influence through their God’s given vision, dreams and giftings.
- To help people grow and come into the full manifestation of Sonship.
- To help people come into the fullness of Christ.
'Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:' Eph 4: 13.



As a team of Kingdom influencers, we are believing God to help us raise at least 1 million kingdom influencers from all nations every year.
Our Ten years goals focus on planting seeds in all institutions that will form a bedrock of change:

Meeting the Goal:
1. Plant seeds of influence in all institutions.
2. Our Revival Prayer team committed to 24hrs prayer shift for all institutions and to bring global revival.
3. Empower and build people capacity through “The platform” programs – Homes and Marriages, Youths, Business and Professionals to affect homes, youth, business, professionals.
4. Work with Prison Fellowships around the world in transforming lives to inmates.
5. Work with shelters homes and homeless to bring about purpose fulfilment to lives.
6. Work with Hospitals around the world in bring care and healing to lives.
7. Working with Juvenile Homes to bring light to the growing youths.
8. Working with Ministries, churches, Pastors and people around the world in bringing global revival to nations.
9. Use Blogs to with various Topical issues and expose falsehood with biblical Truth through different medium
10. Using Free Devotionals to reach millions and connect them to God



All our online resources are available for Free to read, download and can be used to evangelize or influence life. The link can be shared to be a blessing.

financial reporting

Financial Reporting

We provide yearly report of contributions, donations and goals